Immune Support

As a natural rearing breeder, animal health is at the top of my priority list. I firmly believe in the following immune supplements - the very supplements that we raise each one of our Bichons on from birth, forward - that I encourage all of puppy owners to continue following the immune supplement regimen throughout the life of their pet. Numerous hours of research and years of experience have strengthened my belief that there is incredible power contained within the immune system of healthy animals, and that beloved pets have the potential of living up to an astounding 30 healthy years!
o   Fills the immunity gap all puppies experience around 8 weeks old. The pup’s immune system is further weakened due to the stress of adoption and exposure to novel bacteria and viruses in their environment.
o   Recommended by Holistic Veterinarians and Doctors as an immune system modulator that will support the immune system by over 430%.      

  • Dr. Will Falconer, D.V.M. writes, “Most of the chronic diseases we commonly see in animals (and humans) have an immune basis, e.g. diabetes, allergies, asthma, thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, repeated ear infections, cancer, etc. Tcells can significantly shorten the course of recovery by giving a much needed balancing effect to the immune system.”

  • Dr. Rob Robertson, MD writes, "I believe Tcells is, without a doubt, the greatest discovery of the century in supporting and modulating the immune system. I believe a strengthened immune system will be the primary way to stay well in the future. This nutrient can affect the immune system like nothing else can. I sincerely believe everyone needs to consume this product. There is no other product in a nutritional substance, nor a drug, that has this kind of power and ability to affect our immune system. With the increase of killer viruses, mutated germs, super-resistant germs, and food contamination, our only hope and defense, must lie within our own immune system."  
    There is power in a healthy immune system ...

 Cat with leukemia and discharging profuse green mucus from eyes "Our daughter's cat, Tigger became very ill, didn't eat for five days, became skin and bones and was stumbling around. His eyes were profusely discharging sticky green mucus. He was so weakened that he would go potty where he  laid. His coat was in terrible shape. Since T-cells had helped improve my health, gave me more energy and enabled me to handle stress better, I decided to give it to Tiger too. I would mix the content of the capsule with a little water and used an ear syringe to squirt it into his throat.  Five days later, Tiger began to eat again and seemed to have more energy.  At that point, I decided to also add marine phytoplankton (FrequenSea) to his soft cat food to  optimize his nutritioinal requirement. A few weeks later,Tigger has gained weight, is bouncier than ever, his eyes have cleared up and he's seems to have fully recovered.  My granddaughter is so happy to have Tigger back."  Patricia

"My dog, Freckleshas been on the T-cells for about a month now. WOW! I love this product. She was limping before Tcells because of the rod that is in her hip. I couldn'd understand because I was feeding her raw food, pure water, and herbal supplements. Shortly after taking Tcells, I noticed that she doesn't limp at all. I have increased her walks from 30 minutes to 45-60 minutes and she runs the entire time and seems to have a abundance of energy. My main reason for giving her Tcells was to build her immune system to help fight off heartworm and fleas and ticks since I had decided to put those drugs in her body. She is even healthier now. My sister commented last week that Freckles looks so healthy. Since giving her the Tcells, I have also included Barleans's flax seed oil for animals, added clay to her water and food and a little sea salt to her water. She is a picture of health. I think she's surpassed me :). Thanks for all your help! Freckles thanks you also." Crystal Dunlap.

Fifteen Year Old Dog with Colon Tumors I am so excited about T-cells. First of all I want to Thank God that He led me to do research online to find holistic healing. I've been giving the product to my senior dog Charlie for nearly two months because his vet told me that Charlie had tumors in his colon and could be cancerous. I took him to the vet yesterday for a check up and the doctor was amazed, he thought it was a diffrent dog, he said he din't know hat to say except that the tumors are gone. I explained about T-cells and my prayers and he said that I must have a direct connection to God then cuz then cuz Charlie is doing great, I told him I do and its Jesus Christ.  Esther Lopez

Puppies pneumonia, e-coli and staph  "A little over 2 years ago I bought a 4 year old Cocker Spaniel, she has had only 1 live puppy out of 3 litters.  After taking one of the puppies to the vet for an autopsy we found out her puppies were born with pneumonia, loaded with e-coli and staph (mom's uterus was infected).  Her puppies would be born alive and normal weight but start to die over the first 48 hours. To back up a bit... we put her on clavamox from the vet for 10 days after the 2nd litter.  She then had her 3rd litter, which is when we did the autopsy, and put her on clavamox for 2 weeks.  On this last heat cycle we tried it again, my vet said she was such a nice Cocker she didn't see any reasoning to spay her and discontinue trying to breed her (this was our last attempt at breeding her, if no healthy babies we were going to spay her). Two weeks before her delivery date we put her on T-cells 1 pill a day, we will keep her on T-cells until the puppies are 2 weeks of age.  She has 3 strong and healthy babies, all are doing well.  Momma is healthier than ever and also doing very well. I am just THRILLED! " Michelle M.

Dogs, Distemper, and T-cells  
As a physician of nearly thirty years, I was well aware that no antibiotic would protect against the ravages of viral disease, particularly canine distemper which shows similarities to HIV.  My seven month old white haired Shepard was adopted from a local shelter and was initially joyful and healthy.  Within three weeks he developed coarse bronchitis with heavy mucus drainage of the nose and eyes.  Our well intentioned vet believed the problem to be kennel cough and started antibiotics.  Over the next ten days Romeo failed to improve, but instead experienced seven hard and long grand mall seizures in one weekend, a partial paralysis of the hind quarters which made him fall flat when attempting to walk and a "spaced-out gaze" of non-recognition.  Blood studies confirmed distemper and showed a white cell count (lymphocytes) of only 264 slightly more than ten percent of normal. Our vet plus a second out-of-state consulting vet, an expert in distemper were very sympathetic and advised me to prepare myself to euthanize Romeo. The heartache was compounded when Chico, my thirteen month old Chihuahua developed similar symptoms of hard coughing and heavy mucus drainage from the eyes.  Reviewing his shot record, I learned he was mistakenly given only one distemper immunization, leaving him inadequately protected; and by licking Romeo's mucus and drinking from his water dish had contracted the infection. Knowing little to nothing about canine distemper, I turned to the internet and luckily stumbled on to T-cells, a preparation which enhances and stimulates the body's own immune system to fight against all pathogens, viral or otherwise.  My thirty years in medicine told me this was the only solution.  I hurriedly became a distributor to get the product and started Chico and Romeo on one cap daily encased in one teaspoonful of raw hamburger.  Over the next two weeks all cough and mucus drainage ceased. Romeo's follow-up blood count had risen to normal range at 2217 and he surprised to whole family by jumping a five foot wall.  He romps and plays all day long with Chico, now responds normally to his name and appears to be his old joyful self again. Having witnessed the recoveries of Chico and Romeo, and after further study, all family members are taking T-cells, one cap daily; our insurance policy to protect against a faltering immune system, the inevitable consequence of aging and exposure to environmental pollution and toxins.  As for my distributorship status, I fully intend to spread the word to all my colleagues and good friends. Dr. Baruch Rosen, M.D.

                        o   How to Order: For additional information please call me at 

Fern Flett
Bichon Lovers
Phone 519-875-1482
Natural Health Educator for pets
Naturally & Holistically Reared Breeder for health and longevity
The products, information, statements, and links contained within this email are for educational purposes only, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent any disease, or replace the advice of your Homeopathic Veterinarian. 


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