Why don't dogs live forever?

Join me for this free webinar with the owner of Maggie, the longest living dog in the world. Hear their story and discover ideas that may increase your pet's longevity.
Rodney Habib
Blueprints on The Oldest Dog in the World

Why Don't Dogs Live Forever? | Rodney Habib | TEDxNSCCWaterfront  
An amazing TedTalk from one of my favorite pet parents Rodney Habib. If you don’t follow him on Facebook, you are in for a treat. Nobody loves dogs more than Rodney Habib.
He will help you to extend the life of your pet.

 The oldest pets in the world

Rodney will give you a blueprint to helping your dog live a very long, happy and healthy life.
What are the 5 things you could focus on to help both you and your dog live longer?
Rodney’s got the answers.

Read more

Sign up to get instant and free access to Rodney Habib’s exclusive interview with Brian McLaren, whose dog Maggie was the World’s Oldest Dog.

Visit here to learn more about what may cause illness in dogs and shortening their lives.


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