WARNING How Vaccines Dysregulate The
Immune System Dangerous Vaccination
It's Time to Put a Stop to the Mindless Over-Vaccination of Pets
Ideas Are Infectious: Come and Get Naturally Immunized!
Read this article only if you are open minded and ready to think for yourself, instead of allowing those who profit from vaccination to continue to influence you.
Natural Immunity is a reality and is gaining more support with every passing day.
Some veterinarians are avid readers of veterinary journals and attend the seminars of top experts. They’re always up to date on the latest scientific findings regarding vaccination.
Others, not so much.
Would you know if your vet vaccinated appropriately, according to the latest suggested protocols? Would you know if your vet took every precaution to avoid unnecessary shots and adverse reactions?
Here’s how to find out.
This Vaccine Can Impair Your Dog's Immune System
The Purdue Vaccination Studies and Auto-antibodies
Dog Vaccinations Mindlessly Defended
by Will Falconer DVM in Vaccine Articles and News
Have you seen ABC’s 20/20 piece recently on veterinarians, entitled Is Your Veterinarian Being Honest With You?
Click here to find out why vets are so reluctant to admit that a vaccine caused a reaction. . .
Dog Vaccines: What Every Vet (And Pet Owner) Should Know
“The recommendation for annual re-vaccination is a practice that was officially started in 1978. This recommendation was made without any scientific validation of the need to booster immunity so frequently. In fact the presence of good humoral antibody levels blocks the anamnestic response to vaccine boosters just as maternal antibody blocks the response in some young animals.” ~ Dr. Schultz, Dr. Dodds' colleague and Principal Investigator for The Rabies Challenge Fund.
What's really in vaccines? Proof of MSG, formaldehyde, aluminum and mercury -
Taking The Risk Out Of Puppy Shots
Dr. Ron Schultz lists behavioral changes in adverse events following vaccination.
ABC7 I-Team Investigation
Doctor Karen Becker gave an insightful synopsis of this excellent and well researched ABC 7 Chicago news piece, "Are dog vaccines making your pets sick?" My colleagues, Dr. Ron Schultz and Dr. Barbara Royal, were both interviewed. Additionally, the sad and debilitating side effects of adverse reactions to vaccines is documented.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
CHICAGO (WLS) -- The ABC7 I-Team investigated claims of dangerous side effects from dog vaccines. Vaccines are considered a standard part of owning a puppy, but some pet owners say these routine shots are harming their animal.
Do We Know How Safe Your Dog’s Vaccines Are?
We did a little digging, and it turns out nobody really knows.
From skewed research to a complete lack of reporting, somebody is pulling the wool over our eyes. Find out why nobody can make any reliable safety claims when it comes to vaccines.
Dangerous Vaccination Practices
Some veterinarians are avid readers of veterinary journals and attend the seminars of top experts.
For the first time, veterinary researchers started looking at how many vaccines are too many because it turns out vaccines can carry some harmful, unwanted consequences. Limiting the number of vaccines is critical to your dog’s health – you want to protect your dog, but you also want to make sure he doesn’t become sick from his vaccines. And vaccine damage is more common than you think … it happens every day
Is Your Dog’s Thimerosal-Free Vaccine Really Free Of Mercury?
If you’re an enlightened pet owner, then you probably know about Thimerosal. If you’re really on the ball, you’ll ask your vet for Thimerosal-free vaccines. But are these vaccines what they claim to be?
Why repeated boosters of core vaccines are not only unnecessary, but also potentially dangerous to your pet's health.
Recently, there have been a few pets that have become infected with adenovirus. Now, I’ve never even seen a case of adenovirus in my practice, so I asked Dr. Dodds to help us understand what’s going on. We’re already seeing frightened pet owners demanding additional vaccinations against the virus.
According to Dr. Dodds, this is a very controversial issue. But she wants to remind everyone that it’s the wildlife adenovirus 1 we’re talking about -- a virus that causes infectious canine hepatitis, which is a serious disease. This is not adenovirus 2, the kennel cough complex component that we vaccinate against to protect pets from getting adenovirus 1. Adenovirus 1 has historically been reported only in very limited areas like Alaska and the Yukon, for example.
How To Board Your Vaccine-Free Pet
When it Comes to Vaccinating Your Pet, Less is More
One of the veterinary pioneers, Dr. W. Jean Dodds,
Vaccines are linked to seizures. Distemper, parvovirus, rabies and, presumably, other vaccines have been linked with polyneuropathy, a nerve disease that involves inflammation of several nerves.
Vaccine reactions treatment
Lyssin (also known as Hydrophobinum) is the first remedy to think of if the dog develops a fear of water (which can manifest as refusing to drink) or is agitated by the sound of running water.
Understanding Vaccinosis
Vaccinosis is the term applied to the state of disease, most often chronic - long term, which occurs in humans and animals after immunization vaccinations have been administered.
Taking The Risk Out Of Puppy Shots
Trust Me: I’m a Vet
The cover up is in the veterinarian animal world too!
The biggest official cover-up, in the vaccine issue, is the actual amount of vaccine damage that has been caused.
Dog Vaccinations Mindlessly Defended
Category Archives for Vaccine Articles and News
Imagine avoiding risky vaccinations while getting very strong immune protection against parvo and distemper, the two potentially deadly diseases of puppies. That’s not only possible, but it’s been proven to work in the real world by a holistic vet in New Jersey, USA.
Pet owners are becoming increasingly aware of the long period of duration for vaccines and are vaccinating every three years, or not vaccinating their adult or senior dogs at all. Although it is becoming increasingly obvious that yearly boosters – or any boosters – are at best unnecessary and at worst harmful, the risks and benefits of puppy vaccination are much less clear. If you choose to vaccinate your puppy, you can limit (but not eliminate) the vaccine damage in your puppy by understanding a few things about vaccines and immunity.
A practical guide to puppy shots
Four Warnings from Vaccine Manufacturers: Who is Ignoring Them?
The Vaccination Connection
There is a growing body of research that connects autoimmune disorders to Type II diabetes, especially in dogs. If your pet’s immune system attacks his pancreas, he can develop diabetes.
One of the main ways your pet’s immune system can be over-
stimulated is through repetitive yearly vaccinations against diseases he is already protected against.
If your pet had his full set of puppy or kitten shots on schedule, there’s a high likelihood his immunity to those diseases will last a lifetime. Each time a fully immunized pet receives a repetitive set of vaccines, it increases the risk of sending his immune system into overdrive.
I recommend you find an integrative or holistic veterinarian
who runs titers to measure each animal’s antibody response from previous vaccinations. Titer results will tell you whether re-vaccination is necessary, and for exactly which disease.
Cancer in our Pet Population
....why is cancer on the rise?
Noise Phobia and Behavior Issues Caused by Vaccines?
Which Vaccines Does Your Dog Need?
Are you vaccinating too much?
So why shouldn’t you vaccinate a sick, stressed or geriatric pet?
For one thing, the pet may develop adverse reactions ranging from fever to seizures to autoimmune disease to anaphylactic shock and even death. Furthermore, shots administered to an unhealthy animal may fail to provide immunity while giving you the false security that your dog is protected. On top of that, the animal’s immune system, which should be fighting illness, may be diverted to handle the shot.
Vaccine manufacturer Pfizer states, regarding precautions when using their rabies vaccine.
Why Vets Are Getting Away With Murder
Dangerous Over-vaccination Of Dogs Is Alive And Well In The US (Canada too)
An Industry Steeped in Corruption
New Documentary “Bought” Exposes the Hidden Story Behind Vaccines, Pharma, and Food
How Much Money are You Wasting on Pet Vaccines?
Profit-hungry drug companies and vets are 'frightening' dog owners into inoculating their pets more often than necessary, according to U.K. based pet charity, Canine Health Concern. Some puppies have developed conditions including autism and epilepsy after a raft of injections, it warns.
Vaccination comes with a lot of unintended consequences … even more than you might have thought of.You can read a lot of articles on this site about the risks and possible adverse effects of vaccinating your dog … from autoimmune disease or cancers to seizures, thyroid disease, allergies, digestive issues and even death.
How Mystery Ingredients In Vaccines Can Harm Your Dog
Autopsy confirms Valley family's suspicions that vaccine caused dog's death
If you choose to vaccinate less is better
The Puppy Vaccination Dilemma
It's Time to Put a Stop to the Mindless Over-Vaccination of Pets
Over 99% Of Vaccine Reactions Go Unreported In Dogs And Cats
by Dana Scott in Vaccine Articles and News
Pet vaccines have recently come under fire as their inherent dangers are becoming more and more recognized.
Dr Ron Schultz lists behavioral changes in adverse events following vaccination. I have seen this many times, dogs coming home and attacking the family cat, killing other housemates, dogs and cats, a horse that attacked another and killed it, found chewing on it's flesh. Many cases have come my way wanting to get legal recourse for the dog removing the owners face following the unnecessary rabies jab.
Letter to dvm360: Vaccination changes have hurt client visits and hospital revenue.
Vaccines by Dr Patricia Jordon DVM you tube video
Those who received the MMR vaccine, and for those who have not been vaccinated, is it possible they were infected from those recently vaccinated when the vaccine was still “shedding,” and that the vaccine-strain of measles was passed on from the vaccinated child to the unvaccinated child?
The omission that the MMR causes Autism took decades and there are so many people that say they believe in vaccines. Do you still believe in vaccines ? How many more years and omissions of guilt of other vaccines that cause harm is it going to take to get people to realize vaccines may cause irreversible damage to humans and animals? Using natural immunities to over come disease wouldn't this be a safer choice to over come disease? I STOPPED playing vaccine roulette .... Have you?
But public sense of reality is turning. Activist groups are making sure that happens. If we do this right we should be able to shut down the entire US Childhood Vaccine Program within five (5) years. How? Easy. Simple campaigning. Like the billboard recently put up on the Oakland Bay Bridge shown below. Why?
These Brave Doctors Speak Out Against Dangers Of Vaccines
The following doctors were not satisfied with all the lies, propaganda and half-truths surrounding vaccines.(vaccines cause the same potential dangers to animals as they do to humans.)
Vaccine Damage In Dogs
by Catherine O'Driscoll in Featured Articles, Vaccine Articles and News
Other forms of Cytochrome C Oxidase deficiency are characterised by progressive degeneration of the brain and dysfunction of other organs of the body, including the heart, kidneys, muscles and liver. Symptoms may include loss of previously acquired motor skills, loss of appetite, vomiting, irritability, and/or seizures.
The United States has by far the largest share of the national market with revenues of $935 million, and Japan comes in second with $236 million. According to one estimate, removing the one-year rabies vaccination and consequential office visit for dogs alone would decrease the average small vet’s income from $87,000 to $25,000 -- and this doesn’t include cats or other vaccinations.
Clearly, radically changing the vaccine schedule for dogs and cats would result in a huge economic loss for any veterinary practice that is built around shots.
Duration of Immunity to Canine and Feline Infectious Disease
Think Twice Before Using NSAIDs (pain meds)
How Much Money are You Wasting on Pet Vaccines?
Profit-hungry drug companies and vets are 'frightening' dog owners into inoculating their pets more often than necessary, according to U.K. based pet charity, Canine Health Concern.
Some puppies have developed conditions including autism and epilepsy after a raft of injections, it warns.
These entirely unscientific recommendations were introduced by the USDA and vaccine manufacturers over 20 years ago, and many veterinarians continue to follow them today despite mounting concerns about the health risks associated with over-vaccinating.
Vet practices which depend on vaccination schedules to keep the doors open are typically small operations of one to three doctors that do not specialize or provide emergency services.
The markup on rabies vaccines is astronomical – 2400 to 6200 percent in many cases. Estimates are that removing the one-year rabies vaccination/office visit for dogs alone could reduce a veterinarian’s income from $87,000 to $25,000. And this example involves just one variety of one vaccine, and only dogs.
Dog and Cat Vaccines are Not Harmless Preventive Medicine. I talk a lot about vaccine dangers here at MercolaHealthyPets, and I often mention a condition called vaccinosis.Since vaccinosis isn't recognized by most traditional veterinarians and isn't something many pet owners have ever heard of before, I thought it would be helpful to do a short video to explain the condition.
Canine Flu: What Should You Be Afraid Of?
NOTE: Vaccine manufacturers push for unnecessary vaccination schedules all the time. Is your dog getting more vaccines than she needs? Download our free Vaccine Guide and plan the safest vaccine schedule for your dog! Learn more below.)
“What Vets Don’t Tell You About Vaccines:” University Research Shows Evidence of Serious Harm Caused to Dogs
Link Between Vaccines and Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
According to the traditional veterinary community no “statistically significant association” has been proven between vaccines and AIHA, and they are only willing to consider a link if the onset of the disease occurs within four weeks of a vaccination.
Now, those of us in the holistic veterinary community absolutely believe there is a direct and prevalent link between vaccines and autoimmune hemolytic anemia.
As a holistic vet working in a large traditional vaccine clinic early in my career, I saw a lot of cases of AIHA – one or two a month. However, for the last 11 years since I’ve been in private practice, I’ve not seen a single case in my own patients. I believe this is because in my own practice, we titer rather than automatically give traditional adjuvant vaccines.
The cases of AIHA I see now are referred from traditional vet practices that are probably continuing to over-vaccinate.
Another way vaccines can cause seizures is their implication in the condition known as autoimmune encephalitis. Vaccines can spark an autoimmune reaction that causes secondary swelling in the brain, which in turn can bring on a seizure disorder in your pet.
An Institutionalised Crime
Pet owners should be aware that vaccines compromise the health of their cherished pets, causing serious side-effects including allergies, arthritis, behavioural problems, cancer, paralysis and, at worst, death.
Adverse Events Associated with Vaccination
The clinical signs associated with vaccine reactions typically include fever, stiffness, sore joints and abdominal tenderness, susceptibility to infections, neurological disorders and encephalitis, collapse with auto agglutinated red blood cells and icterus (autoimmune hemolytic anemia, AIHA, also called immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, IMHA), or generalized petechiae and ecchymotic hemorrhages (immune-mediated thrombocytopenia , ITP). Hepatic enzymes may be markedly elevated, and liver or kidney failure may occur by itself or accompany bone marrow suppression.
Furthermore, MLV vaccination has been associated with the development of transient seizures in puppies and adult dogs of breeds or cross-breeds susceptible to immune-mediated diseases especially those involving hematologic or endocrine tissues (e.g. AIHA, ITP, autoimmune thyroiditis). Post-vaccinal polyneuropathy is a recognized entity associated occasionally with the use of distemper, parvovirus, rabies and presumably other vaccines. This can result in various clinical signs including muscular atrophy, inhibition or interruption of neuronal control of tissue and organ function, muscular excitation, incoordination and weakness, as well as seizures.
How Mystery Ingredients In Vaccines Can Harm Your Dog
Vaccination or Immunization?
It may come as a surprise to you – and to many vets – that vaccination and immunization are not the same thing.
Your dog or puppy is perfectly capable of creating immunity all by himself – and once he does, the immunity likely lasts for a lifetime.
And when I share some information on current vaccine research with you, you’ll agree with me.
But first, it’s critical for any dog owner to understand that any vaccine given at any point in a dog’s life has the ability to kill him or cause serious harm.
Five Things Your Vet Says That Aren’t True
At Dogs Naturally, we’re both saddened and amused when
surfing through veterinary clinic websites. We decided to post a Top Five List of some of the just plain bad vaccine advice commonly dispensed by vets. Here are some real snippets of wisdom,pulled off various veterinary websites.
A Homeopathic Protocol for Lyme Disease
Immunity Without The Needle
Prevent Parvo and Distemper Without Vaccination Imagine avoiding risky vaccinations while getting very strong immune protection against parvo and distemper, the two potentially deadly diseases of puppies. That’s not only possible, but it’s been proven to work in the real world by a holistic vet in New Jersey, USA.
Vaccinations, To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate. by Dr Jeannie Thomason
"While working at veterinary clinics in years past, I noted that the majority of cases of Parvo were actually in puppies that HAD been vaccinated. The majority of the vaccinated puppies that had the virus - died even with support/treatment. In the more rare cases of non-vaccinated puppies contracting Parvo, I witnessed firsthand ALL of them heal quickly and none died with minimal support and treatment). The un-vaccinated puppies had immune systems that were strong and far better equipped to fight a deadly virus and win."
RadioShow: Vaccinosis It is clear that vaccines cause the diseases they are believed to prevent. But how bad is it? Do the benefits outweigh the risks? Could the intervention many rely on for protection be the cause of infection and chronic disease? Dr. Daniels’ special guest, Dr. Jordan shares her research and personal experience with Vaccines. Adult and childhood vaccines will be discussed. As always, you will get the natural solution. Don’t lose your health while you are trying to protect it. Email questions in advance to
The Outdated Vet Vaccination Advice That Can Harm Your Pet
So What's a Concerned Pet Owner to Do?
As regular readers here at Mercola Healthy Pets are aware, I'm very much an advocate of "less is more" when it comes to vaccinating animals.
If your veterinarian is still recommending yearly core vaccinations, ask him (or her) instead to do titers to measure your pet's current immunity. Chances are excellent, if your pet was vaccinated properly as a puppy or kitten, that he's protected for life.
The Best Cure For Canine Cancer Is Prevention
Cancer begins when carcinogens damage DNA, which then waits for just the right opportunity to create cancerous cells. The good news is your dog’s body has a built-in mechanism to kill cancer cells; a gene called p53. However exposure to toxins and viruses can damage that gene and limit its ability to protect the body from the spread of cancerous cells.
Over 99% OfVaccine Reactions Go Unreported In Dogs And Cats.
Pet vaccines have recently come under fire as their inherent dangers are becoming more and more recognized.
Vaccine Contamination
Vaccine Damage in Dogs
You are about to read the BEST! article ever on VACCINE DAMAGE in DOGS. We have the essential information that YOU need to KNOW to SAVE DOGS LIVES. Catherine O’Driscoll is the founder of Canine Health Concern, which spearheads research and education by and for dog lovers to promote canine good health. The author of What Vets Don’t Tell You About Vaccines and Shock to the System, she has helped to popularise natural feeding and complementary healthcare options among dog lovers.
Canine Natural Wellness Lifestyle group on Facebook
It's Time to Put a Stop to the Mindless Over-Vaccination of Pets
Ideas Are Infectious: Come and Get Naturally Immunized!
Read this article only if you are open minded and ready to think for yourself, instead of allowing those who profit from vaccination to continue to influence you.
Natural Immunity is a reality and is gaining more support with every passing day.
Some veterinarians are avid readers of veterinary journals and attend the seminars of top experts. They’re always up to date on the latest scientific findings regarding vaccination.
Others, not so much.
Would you know if your vet vaccinated appropriately, according to the latest suggested protocols? Would you know if your vet took every precaution to avoid unnecessary shots and adverse reactions?
Here’s how to find out.
This Vaccine Can Impair Your Dog's Immune System
The Purdue Vaccination Studies and Auto-antibodies
Vaccine Damage In Dogs
by Catherine O'Driscoll in Featured Articles, Vaccine Articles and News Other forms of Cytochrome C Oxidase deficiency are characterised by progressive degeneration of the brain and dysfunction of other organs of the body, including the heart, kidneys, muscles and liver. Symptoms may include loss of previously acquired motor skills, loss of appetite, vomiting, irritability, and/or seizures.
by Catherine O'Driscoll in Vaccine Articles and News
by Catherine O'Driscoll in Featured Articles, Vaccine Articles and News Other forms of Cytochrome C Oxidase deficiency are characterised by progressive degeneration of the brain and dysfunction of other organs of the body, including the heart, kidneys, muscles and liver. Symptoms may include loss of previously acquired motor skills, loss of appetite, vomiting, irritability, and/or seizures.
by Catherine O'Driscoll in Vaccine Articles and News
4 Ways Vaccines Can Cause Problems...There are many mechanisms by which vaccines can cause serious problems.
These problems have been broadly classified into four groups by Michael Day of
the WSAVA Vaccine Guidelines Group,
namely: hypersensitivity diseases
(inflammation/allergic ‘it is’ diseases), autoimmune diseases, immune system
neoplasia (tumor formation), and immunodeficiency diseases. These groups seem
to represent just about everything that walks into the veterinary surgery on
four legs, if it’s still walking.
Dog Vaccinations Mindlessly Defended
by Will Falconer DVM in Vaccine Articles and News
Have you seen ABC’s 20/20 piece recently on veterinarians, entitled Is Your Veterinarian Being Honest With You?
Click here to find out why vets are so reluctant to admit that a vaccine caused a reaction. . .
Dog Vaccines: What Every Vet (And Pet Owner) Should Know
“The recommendation for annual re-vaccination is a practice that was officially started in 1978. This recommendation was made without any scientific validation of the need to booster immunity so frequently. In fact the presence of good humoral antibody levels blocks the anamnestic response to vaccine boosters just as maternal antibody blocks the response in some young animals.” ~ Dr. Schultz, Dr. Dodds' colleague and Principal Investigator for The Rabies Challenge Fund.
What's really in vaccines? Proof of MSG, formaldehyde, aluminum and mercury -
Taking The Risk Out Of Puppy Shots
Dr. Ron Schultz lists behavioral changes in adverse events following vaccination.
ABC7 I-Team Investigation
Doctor Karen Becker gave an insightful synopsis of this excellent and well researched ABC 7 Chicago news piece, "Are dog vaccines making your pets sick?" My colleagues, Dr. Ron Schultz and Dr. Barbara Royal, were both interviewed. Additionally, the sad and debilitating side effects of adverse reactions to vaccines is documented.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
CHICAGO (WLS) -- The ABC7 I-Team investigated claims of dangerous side effects from dog vaccines. Vaccines are considered a standard part of owning a puppy, but some pet owners say these routine shots are harming their animal.
Do We Know How Safe Your Dog’s Vaccines Are?
We did a little digging, and it turns out nobody really knows.
From skewed research to a complete lack of reporting, somebody is pulling the wool over our eyes. Find out why nobody can make any reliable safety claims when it comes to vaccines.
Dangerous Vaccination Practices
Some veterinarians are avid readers of veterinary journals and attend the seminars of top experts.
For the first time, veterinary researchers started looking at how many vaccines are too many because it turns out vaccines can carry some harmful, unwanted consequences. Limiting the number of vaccines is critical to your dog’s health – you want to protect your dog, but you also want to make sure he doesn’t become sick from his vaccines. And vaccine damage is more common than you think … it happens every day
Is Your Dog’s Thimerosal-Free Vaccine Really Free Of Mercury?
If you’re an enlightened pet owner, then you probably know about Thimerosal. If you’re really on the ball, you’ll ask your vet for Thimerosal-free vaccines. But are these vaccines what they claim to be?
Why repeated boosters of core vaccines are not only unnecessary, but also potentially dangerous to your pet's health.
Recently, there have been a few pets that have become infected with adenovirus. Now, I’ve never even seen a case of adenovirus in my practice, so I asked Dr. Dodds to help us understand what’s going on. We’re already seeing frightened pet owners demanding additional vaccinations against the virus.
According to Dr. Dodds, this is a very controversial issue. But she wants to remind everyone that it’s the wildlife adenovirus 1 we’re talking about -- a virus that causes infectious canine hepatitis, which is a serious disease. This is not adenovirus 2, the kennel cough complex component that we vaccinate against to protect pets from getting adenovirus 1. Adenovirus 1 has historically been reported only in very limited areas like Alaska and the Yukon, for example.
How To Board Your Vaccine-Free Pet
When it Comes to Vaccinating Your Pet, Less is More
One of the veterinary pioneers, Dr. W. Jean Dodds,
Vaccines are linked to seizures. Distemper, parvovirus, rabies and, presumably, other vaccines have been linked with polyneuropathy, a nerve disease that involves inflammation of several nerves.
Vaccine reactions treatment
Lyssin (also known as Hydrophobinum) is the first remedy to think of if the dog develops a fear of water (which can manifest as refusing to drink) or is agitated by the sound of running water.
Understanding Vaccinosis
Vaccinosis is the term applied to the state of disease, most often chronic - long term, which occurs in humans and animals after immunization vaccinations have been administered.
Taking The Risk Out Of Puppy Shots
Trust Me: I’m a Vet
The cover up is in the veterinarian animal world too!
The biggest official cover-up, in the vaccine issue, is the actual amount of vaccine damage that has been caused.
Dog Vaccinations Mindlessly Defended
Category Archives for Vaccine Articles and News
Imagine avoiding risky vaccinations while getting very strong immune protection against parvo and distemper, the two potentially deadly diseases of puppies. That’s not only possible, but it’s been proven to work in the real world by a holistic vet in New Jersey, USA.
Pet owners are becoming increasingly aware of the long period of duration for vaccines and are vaccinating every three years, or not vaccinating their adult or senior dogs at all. Although it is becoming increasingly obvious that yearly boosters – or any boosters – are at best unnecessary and at worst harmful, the risks and benefits of puppy vaccination are much less clear. If you choose to vaccinate your puppy, you can limit (but not eliminate) the vaccine damage in your puppy by understanding a few things about vaccines and immunity.
A practical guide to puppy shots
Four Warnings from Vaccine Manufacturers: Who is Ignoring Them?
The Vaccination Connection
There is a growing body of research that connects autoimmune disorders to Type II diabetes, especially in dogs. If your pet’s immune system attacks his pancreas, he can develop diabetes.
One of the main ways your pet’s immune system can be over-
stimulated is through repetitive yearly vaccinations against diseases he is already protected against.
If your pet had his full set of puppy or kitten shots on schedule, there’s a high likelihood his immunity to those diseases will last a lifetime. Each time a fully immunized pet receives a repetitive set of vaccines, it increases the risk of sending his immune system into overdrive.
I recommend you find an integrative or holistic veterinarian
who runs titers to measure each animal’s antibody response from previous vaccinations. Titer results will tell you whether re-vaccination is necessary, and for exactly which disease.
Cancer in our Pet Population
....why is cancer on the rise?
Noise Phobia and Behavior Issues Caused by Vaccines?
Which Vaccines Does Your Dog Need?
Are you vaccinating too much?
So why shouldn’t you vaccinate a sick, stressed or geriatric pet?
For one thing, the pet may develop adverse reactions ranging from fever to seizures to autoimmune disease to anaphylactic shock and even death. Furthermore, shots administered to an unhealthy animal may fail to provide immunity while giving you the false security that your dog is protected. On top of that, the animal’s immune system, which should be fighting illness, may be diverted to handle the shot.
Vaccine manufacturer Pfizer states, regarding precautions when using their rabies vaccine.
Why Vets Are Getting Away With Murder
Dangerous Over-vaccination Of Dogs Is Alive And Well In The US (Canada too)
An Industry Steeped in Corruption
New Documentary “Bought” Exposes the Hidden Story Behind Vaccines, Pharma, and Food
How Much Money are You Wasting on Pet Vaccines?
Profit-hungry drug companies and vets are 'frightening' dog owners into inoculating their pets more often than necessary, according to U.K. based pet charity, Canine Health Concern. Some puppies have developed conditions including autism and epilepsy after a raft of injections, it warns.
Vaccination comes with a lot of unintended consequences … even more than you might have thought of.You can read a lot of articles on this site about the risks and possible adverse effects of vaccinating your dog … from autoimmune disease or cancers to seizures, thyroid disease, allergies, digestive issues and even death.
How Mystery Ingredients In Vaccines Can Harm Your Dog
Autopsy confirms Valley family's suspicions that vaccine caused dog's death
If you choose to vaccinate less is better
The Puppy Vaccination Dilemma
It's Time to Put a Stop to the Mindless Over-Vaccination of Pets
Over 99% Of Vaccine Reactions Go Unreported In Dogs And Cats
by Dana Scott in Vaccine Articles and News
Pet vaccines have recently come under fire as their inherent dangers are becoming more and more recognized.
Dr Ron Schultz lists behavioral changes in adverse events following vaccination. I have seen this many times, dogs coming home and attacking the family cat, killing other housemates, dogs and cats, a horse that attacked another and killed it, found chewing on it's flesh. Many cases have come my way wanting to get legal recourse for the dog removing the owners face following the unnecessary rabies jab.
Letter to dvm360: Vaccination changes have hurt client visits and hospital revenue.
Vaccines by Dr Patricia Jordon DVM you tube video
Those who received the MMR vaccine, and for those who have not been vaccinated, is it possible they were infected from those recently vaccinated when the vaccine was still “shedding,” and that the vaccine-strain of measles was passed on from the vaccinated child to the unvaccinated child?
The omission that the MMR causes Autism took decades and there are so many people that say they believe in vaccines. Do you still believe in vaccines ? How many more years and omissions of guilt of other vaccines that cause harm is it going to take to get people to realize vaccines may cause irreversible damage to humans and animals? Using natural immunities to over come disease wouldn't this be a safer choice to over come disease? I STOPPED playing vaccine roulette .... Have you?
But public sense of reality is turning. Activist groups are making sure that happens. If we do this right we should be able to shut down the entire US Childhood Vaccine Program within five (5) years. How? Easy. Simple campaigning. Like the billboard recently put up on the Oakland Bay Bridge shown below. Why?
These Brave Doctors Speak Out Against Dangers Of Vaccines
The following doctors were not satisfied with all the lies, propaganda and half-truths surrounding vaccines.(vaccines cause the same potential dangers to animals as they do to humans.)
Vaccine Damage In Dogs
by Catherine O'Driscoll in Featured Articles, Vaccine Articles and News
Other forms of Cytochrome C Oxidase deficiency are characterised by progressive degeneration of the brain and dysfunction of other organs of the body, including the heart, kidneys, muscles and liver. Symptoms may include loss of previously acquired motor skills, loss of appetite, vomiting, irritability, and/or seizures.
The United States has by far the largest share of the national market with revenues of $935 million, and Japan comes in second with $236 million. According to one estimate, removing the one-year rabies vaccination and consequential office visit for dogs alone would decrease the average small vet’s income from $87,000 to $25,000 -- and this doesn’t include cats or other vaccinations.
Clearly, radically changing the vaccine schedule for dogs and cats would result in a huge economic loss for any veterinary practice that is built around shots.
Duration of Immunity to Canine and Feline Infectious Disease
Think Twice Before Using NSAIDs (pain meds)
How Much Money are You Wasting on Pet Vaccines?
Profit-hungry drug companies and vets are 'frightening' dog owners into inoculating their pets more often than necessary, according to U.K. based pet charity, Canine Health Concern.
Some puppies have developed conditions including autism and epilepsy after a raft of injections, it warns.
These entirely unscientific recommendations were introduced by the USDA and vaccine manufacturers over 20 years ago, and many veterinarians continue to follow them today despite mounting concerns about the health risks associated with over-vaccinating.
Vet practices which depend on vaccination schedules to keep the doors open are typically small operations of one to three doctors that do not specialize or provide emergency services.
The markup on rabies vaccines is astronomical – 2400 to 6200 percent in many cases. Estimates are that removing the one-year rabies vaccination/office visit for dogs alone could reduce a veterinarian’s income from $87,000 to $25,000. And this example involves just one variety of one vaccine, and only dogs.
Dog and Cat Vaccines are Not Harmless Preventive Medicine. I talk a lot about vaccine dangers here at MercolaHealthyPets, and I often mention a condition called vaccinosis.Since vaccinosis isn't recognized by most traditional veterinarians and isn't something many pet owners have ever heard of before, I thought it would be helpful to do a short video to explain the condition.
Canine Flu: What Should You Be Afraid Of?
NOTE: Vaccine manufacturers push for unnecessary vaccination schedules all the time. Is your dog getting more vaccines than she needs? Download our free Vaccine Guide and plan the safest vaccine schedule for your dog! Learn more below.)
“What Vets Don’t Tell You About Vaccines:” University Research Shows Evidence of Serious Harm Caused to Dogs
Link Between Vaccines and Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
According to the traditional veterinary community no “statistically significant association” has been proven between vaccines and AIHA, and they are only willing to consider a link if the onset of the disease occurs within four weeks of a vaccination.
Now, those of us in the holistic veterinary community absolutely believe there is a direct and prevalent link between vaccines and autoimmune hemolytic anemia.
As a holistic vet working in a large traditional vaccine clinic early in my career, I saw a lot of cases of AIHA – one or two a month. However, for the last 11 years since I’ve been in private practice, I’ve not seen a single case in my own patients. I believe this is because in my own practice, we titer rather than automatically give traditional adjuvant vaccines.
The cases of AIHA I see now are referred from traditional vet practices that are probably continuing to over-vaccinate.
Another way vaccines can cause seizures is their implication in the condition known as autoimmune encephalitis. Vaccines can spark an autoimmune reaction that causes secondary swelling in the brain, which in turn can bring on a seizure disorder in your pet.
An Institutionalised Crime
Pet owners should be aware that vaccines compromise the health of their cherished pets, causing serious side-effects including allergies, arthritis, behavioural problems, cancer, paralysis and, at worst, death.
Adverse Events Associated with Vaccination
The clinical signs associated with vaccine reactions typically include fever, stiffness, sore joints and abdominal tenderness, susceptibility to infections, neurological disorders and encephalitis, collapse with auto agglutinated red blood cells and icterus (autoimmune hemolytic anemia, AIHA, also called immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, IMHA), or generalized petechiae and ecchymotic hemorrhages (immune-mediated thrombocytopenia , ITP). Hepatic enzymes may be markedly elevated, and liver or kidney failure may occur by itself or accompany bone marrow suppression.
Furthermore, MLV vaccination has been associated with the development of transient seizures in puppies and adult dogs of breeds or cross-breeds susceptible to immune-mediated diseases especially those involving hematologic or endocrine tissues (e.g. AIHA, ITP, autoimmune thyroiditis). Post-vaccinal polyneuropathy is a recognized entity associated occasionally with the use of distemper, parvovirus, rabies and presumably other vaccines. This can result in various clinical signs including muscular atrophy, inhibition or interruption of neuronal control of tissue and organ function, muscular excitation, incoordination and weakness, as well as seizures.
How Mystery Ingredients In Vaccines Can Harm Your Dog
Vaccination or Immunization?
It may come as a surprise to you – and to many vets – that vaccination and immunization are not the same thing.
Your dog or puppy is perfectly capable of creating immunity all by himself – and once he does, the immunity likely lasts for a lifetime.
And when I share some information on current vaccine research with you, you’ll agree with me.
But first, it’s critical for any dog owner to understand that any vaccine given at any point in a dog’s life has the ability to kill him or cause serious harm.
Five Things Your Vet Says That Aren’t True
At Dogs Naturally, we’re both saddened and amused when
surfing through veterinary clinic websites. We decided to post a Top Five List of some of the just plain bad vaccine advice commonly dispensed by vets. Here are some real snippets of wisdom,pulled off various veterinary websites.
A Homeopathic Protocol for Lyme Disease
Immunity Without The Needle
Prevent Parvo and Distemper Without Vaccination Imagine avoiding risky vaccinations while getting very strong immune protection against parvo and distemper, the two potentially deadly diseases of puppies. That’s not only possible, but it’s been proven to work in the real world by a holistic vet in New Jersey, USA.
Vaccinations, To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate. by Dr Jeannie Thomason
"While working at veterinary clinics in years past, I noted that the majority of cases of Parvo were actually in puppies that HAD been vaccinated. The majority of the vaccinated puppies that had the virus - died even with support/treatment. In the more rare cases of non-vaccinated puppies contracting Parvo, I witnessed firsthand ALL of them heal quickly and none died with minimal support and treatment). The un-vaccinated puppies had immune systems that were strong and far better equipped to fight a deadly virus and win."
RadioShow: Vaccinosis It is clear that vaccines cause the diseases they are believed to prevent. But how bad is it? Do the benefits outweigh the risks? Could the intervention many rely on for protection be the cause of infection and chronic disease? Dr. Daniels’ special guest, Dr. Jordan shares her research and personal experience with Vaccines. Adult and childhood vaccines will be discussed. As always, you will get the natural solution. Don’t lose your health while you are trying to protect it. Email questions in advance to
The Outdated Vet Vaccination Advice That Can Harm Your Pet
So What's a Concerned Pet Owner to Do?
As regular readers here at Mercola Healthy Pets are aware, I'm very much an advocate of "less is more" when it comes to vaccinating animals.
If your veterinarian is still recommending yearly core vaccinations, ask him (or her) instead to do titers to measure your pet's current immunity. Chances are excellent, if your pet was vaccinated properly as a puppy or kitten, that he's protected for life.
The Best Cure For Canine Cancer Is Prevention
Cancer begins when carcinogens damage DNA, which then waits for just the right opportunity to create cancerous cells. The good news is your dog’s body has a built-in mechanism to kill cancer cells; a gene called p53. However exposure to toxins and viruses can damage that gene and limit its ability to protect the body from the spread of cancerous cells.
Over 99% OfVaccine Reactions Go Unreported In Dogs And Cats.
Pet vaccines have recently come under fire as their inherent dangers are becoming more and more recognized.
Vaccine Contamination
You are about to read the BEST! article ever on VACCINE DAMAGE in DOGS. We have the essential information that YOU need to KNOW to SAVE DOGS LIVES. Catherine O’Driscoll is the founder of Canine Health Concern, which spearheads research and education by and for dog lovers to promote canine good health. The author of What Vets Don’t Tell You About Vaccines and Shock to the System, she has helped to popularise natural feeding and complementary healthcare options among dog lovers.